This online couples therapy process is offering evidence-based tools and knowledge, that will allow you both to rise above your differences and understand each other better. It will provide you with more easy in your communication and contact to each other. The proces will teach you the psychological reasons for your conflicts and instead of avoiding them, how to learn from each other and grow together.
The course is self-paced and a mix between theory and exercises. It is presented via an online talk, where you are invited to reflect on your own patterns in the relationship and potential write down what you learn, as well as pause the talk and perform the exercises that are part of the talk.
If you wish to have a one-on-one online follow with my me, you are eligible to a 20% discount on my therapy sessions.
The course lasts approx. 1 hour and 15 minutes and corresponds timewise to one couples therapy in my clinic (value DKK 1600). However, the content corresponds to the theory and the exercises you will go through in a basic couple therapy process with me (2 couples and 2 individual conversations) and therefore has a value of DKK 5,200.